Is gaming good for young people?

Gaming. A word that describes endless realities and remarkableness. It’s a hobby where you can enjoy sitting in the comfort of your home and delving into a world of never before. But does gaming help us? 

Playing games is always fun, but in countless experiences, it can provide us advantages in everyday life. It can help with quicker reaction speeds and problem-solving skills (which is also helpful for school) and gives everyone a chance to be a better multitasker (which is excellent if you want to eat a pizza while revising!).

BBC Bitesize conducted a study on how gaming can help people through a survey of 11–16 year olds. They found out that gaming focuses on assisting people with English and literacy skills and almost helps everyone let their imaginations run wild while allowing them to have as much fun as they want. Gaming can help with all sorts of positive things, and with the increase in literacy skills, it allows everyday life, from scribbling words to speech.

Although gaming is fun, we still know it can be time-consuming, which lets us not enjoy nature enough, but it is still a fun hobby that can even be taken to a professional level. So, not all gaming can be viewed as bad; we still get positive impacts from it, which is impressive. 

By Alicia W

Boston High School Newsroom